Announcing a new personal service of specialist photo restoration!..

photo restoration

It’s something I’ve always enjoyed doing for myself; tinkering with old family photos. There’s nothing more satisfying than to breathe new life back into sentimental old or damaged photos or to see a tiny print blown up into something more striking. My new service is personal because I offer a collect/copy/deliver service for those irreplaceable photos of greatest sentimental value.

Got a print but no negative?… I can copy, restore (if necessary) and create a digital image for you, so you can print your own copies/enlargements.

ALSO, why not go a step further and have all your old photos preserved forever and made into a storybook album?

Visit the new Photo Restoration page on my website for more information:

NEXT TIME: I’ve been braving the cold and am back to my Photographer’s Ramblings!