With my local press days in mind, I can’t resist a good carnival and Morecambe’s makes a great photo opportunity. So I attach my trusty ‘press lens’ (18-300mm) and find a good spot. At least nowadays I don’t normally have notebook in hand ready to do the laborious chore of caption writing!

Morecambe carnival 2017

I didn’t quite catch the start of the parade, but the zoom lens comes in handy.

Young Carnival royalty looking the part.

Young Carnival royalty looking the part.

event photographer Morecambe

‘Float’ following the tide.

All in red, Morecambe FC's young fans talk football.

All in red, Morecambe FC’s young fans talk football.

Morecambe Bay event

There has to be a brass band.

Morcar17 04

Happy in their fancy dress costumes.

Morecambe Warblers

Morecambe Warblers go on tour promoting their next production.

Eric Morecambe Statue

The Eric Morecambe Statue steps makes a good viewpoint.

The simple sort of shot I really like at an event.

The simple sort of shot I really like at an event.

Dr Who and some curious looking Daleks!

Dr Who and some curious looking Daleks!

Morecambe Prom looking VERY busy.

Morecambe Prom looking VERY busy.

You can't beat a good Scottish pipe band.

You can’t beat a good Scottish pipe band.

Midland Hotel

Morecambe’s Iconic Midland Hotel makes a good backdrop for my crowd shot.

RAF cadets march at the end of the parade.

RAF cadets march at the end of the parade.